Jay Powell

RIP July 16, 2024

It is with profound sadness and deep sorrow we announce the passing of our brother Jay Powell. His dedication to music and the Roadducks was significant in our resurrection. There will be a Celebration of Life sometime in the future. Our deepest respect and sympathy at this difficult time for his kids, family, friends, fans and beloved wife Sandy, who was with him day and night during the difficult last six months. Fuck all this he's in a better place, he was in a better place on stage, guitar in hand, sharing his prodigious talent, incredible voice, Irish charm, all with the soul of a poet with people everywhere. Chill the Bud, say hey to Phil and Bopper, and lead the angels in song as only you can do. On behalf of his band-mates, ya all saw him several times a year, we got to back him night after night and bask in the magic he created. Sick, tired, hungover, with the worst luck with automobiles EVER, he was always happy, humorous, and a treasure to be in a band with. I have always had fabulous players in the Ducks, but Jay Powell was in a class all by himself. Those of us who knew him are all better humans as a result. I don't drink much anymore but I am going to sit in the dark, smoke a fat one, and have several glasses of Old John Jameson. I suggest all his many friends do the same. Knowing  Jay as well as I did, his Irish ass was in heaven long before the devil knew he was gone. Sandy gave him love and tender care which he deserved, allowing him to exit stage left to thunderous applause, rave reviews, and a ton of folks who loved him dearly. 

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